Our Beta Glucan is sourced from medicinal mushrooms and is of high molecular weight.
Beta-glucan is classified as a polysaccharide (a large molecule made up of multiple sugar molecules). There's some evidence that beta-glucan may offer a number of health benefits, such as stimulation of the immune system.
With about 600,000 deaths from cancer each year, researchers have spent decades searching for substances with cancer-fighting properties. Lentinan, a type of beta glucan found in shiitake mushrooms, is believed to reduce tumor activity and lessen the side effects of cancer treatment. Researchers at Teikyo University's Biotechnology Research Center in Kawasaki, Japan, showed that lentinan has anti-tumor properties, suppressing the formation and development of tumors.
Results of the clinical application of lentinan have proven prolongation of life span of the patients with advanced and recurrent stomach, colorectal, and breast cancer with only little toxic side effect," wrote the study's authors. It also appears that lentinan restores or boosts the responsiveness of cytokines, which interact with immune cells and regulate the response to the dis-ease.
There are so many factors that make the nutrients you pay a premium for literally get flushed down the toilet:
- Moisture, oxygen and other factors in the environment
- Enzymes and digestive juices in the mouth and stomach
- Bile salts in the intestines
- Friendly and unfriendly organisms in the intestines
- Food and drug interactions in the digestive system
- Additives such as capsule gelatins, coatings, binders, fillers, sugars, colors and flavors to facilitate packaging of swallowing
- Incomplete assimilation due to partial or non-breakdown of tablet or capsule into small enough particles for uptake into intestines
The question is... HOW can you ensure these fragile nutrients survive their journey, actually make it to your bloodstream intact and do what they're supposed to do?
Our liposomal delivery.
Liposomes are small fat shells (about 1/2 the width of a human hair) that protect nutrient or other molecule you want delivered to your bloodstream -- and that are resistant to digestive juices, alkaline solutions, bile salts and free radicals.
We have seen great results from taking our Liposomal curcumin daily, and it definitely has to do withthe fact that the liposomal delivery technology makes it so darn bioavailable.
There's no better way to say it... this kind of turmeric is mind-blowing:
===>Over 20 Times More Absorbable Than Most Beta Glucan Supplements